
Not the problem.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 388: Elyon descends through finite care

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic's Wrath pre-patch, New World's new servers, Elyon's sunset, Bless Unleashed's sunset, EVE Online Uprising, Star Trek Online's Wil Wheaton, and Temtem's launch, with adventures in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, with a lightning round of MMO questions from the mailbag.

Vague Patch Notes: The MMORPG industry shockwaves that still reverberate

A thought occurred to me the other day regarding World of Warcraft and the way that it deformed the MMO industry: People who are...
You got boring real fast.

Elyon, once hotly anticipated as Ascent Infinite Realm, is sunsetting in December

I wish I could say nobody saw this coming, but unfortunately, that's not the case: Kakao is closing down Elyon. "Kakao Games Europe, following lengthy...

The MOP Up: Witness the creation of a Dauntless behemoth

Dauntless shared a neat video of a collaboration between its players and artists: "Back in April, many of you joined us for a community...

Vague Patch Notes: Novelty is a contradiction in an MMORPG genre that discourages it

The newest member of the Big Five in the MMO space released in the west back in 2015, which was seven years ago now....
Bring it!

Elyon announces the arrival of the Soulbringer class on September 7

Despite the name, the new class being added to Elyon is not really known primarily for bringing souls to a fight. The most obvious...
This be he

Vague Patch Notes: Themepark MMOs need open spaces, too

Let me start off this particular column with a story about Star Wars: The Old Republic. I've mentioned before how this was a game...
This dude might fight some other dudes.

Elyon patches in new Realm War start times and class balancing

War? Between my realms? It's more likely than you might think in Elyon with the game's latest update, as the patch provides new start...
clock is ticking folks

Elyon’s latest patch turns on a pure overclocking event

Usually events in MMORPGs are a big deal. Or at least some degree of deal. There are event currencies and quests and whatever that...
Bringing souls!

Elyon previews its upcoming new content including a new class, the Soulbringer

Do you like classes with blades? Do you like classes with souls? Do those two words remind you of some other MMORPG out on...

Elyon will make its way to the SEA region with Playpark as its steward

Do you live in the Southeast Asia region of the globe and have a hankering to play Elyon? You'd probably find yourself in rare...

Elyon’s new Paladin class lands in today’s patch along with new gear types and events

It's a sword and board smorgasbord in Elyon today as the new Paladin class has officially dropped. As mentioned before, the Paladin class has...

The MOP Up: Craftopia gets a rush from its bosses

The ultimate PvE dungeon just arrived in Craftopia, challenging players to wade through the elite of the monster corps in an effort to gain...

Elyon suits up the Paladin for her debut later this month

By the Light! Elyon's not quite done adding new classes to the western version of the fantasy MMO. In fact, it's getting ready to...

TERA’s PC version will sunset in June as Bluehole ceases work on the game

Today is the day that TERA's Japanese servers sunset... and unfortunately, the day heralds bad news for the rest of TERA's PC playerbase in...

Pantheon’s Daedrym Ascent is the go-to vacation destination for dragons

If you knew that there was a mountain devoted to all things dragon, would you run in terror away from it or in excitement...

Elyon starts the Porong’s Orb Machine event and does some class balancing in its latest patch

Have you been pondering the orb recently? Elyon is assuming so because its newest event starting with today's patch gives you a whole new...

Elyon plots an ambitious 2022 roadmap with new classes, dungeons, and refreshed PvP

Listen, as we're typing this, Elyon has a grand total of 266 players in-game on Steam. This is incredibly sad, as Elyon - back...

April Fools’ Day around the MMO world, 2022 edition

Whether you love it or dread it, April Fools' Day is happening everywhere, specifically to annoy copyeditors who have to fix that dang apostrophe...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 366: A blunder and a blunderbuss

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2's next expansion, New World's latest patch, Gamigo's layoffs, Black Desert, and Elyon, with adventures in LOTRO, DDO, GW2, and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on MMO longevity and volunteerism in MMOs.