eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Apple takes down over 39K games on its Chinese App Store as part of a greater licensing crackdown

Apple took a rather drastic step on its Chinese App Store this past New Year's Eve as the company removed 46,000 apps, including 39,000...
Oh boy.

Let’s celebrate the history of the dance emote from EverQuest to Fortnite

"Slow day at the office, eh MOP?" Yes. Mercifully. I am very tired and working for a casino during New Year's Eve weekend is...

The Christmas truce in EVE Online ends in explosive fashion with a costly $300K battle at M2-XFE

It was likely a foregone conclusion that the agreed upon Christmas truce between the two sides fighting World War Bee 2 in EVE Online...

Why WB Games should make a new Asheron’s Call game in 2021+: The mechanics

Just based on lore alone, WB Games should make a new Asheron's Call game. As I argued last time, AC has the qualities of an underutilized...

Why WB Games should make a new Asheron’s Call game in 2021+: The lore

So we recently brought up how Asheron's Call 2 died twice during the winter seasons, with the second one being a double funeral with the original...

Fight or Kite: The stand-out PvP MMOs and games of 2020

I mixed it up and played more MMOs this year than in the last several years combined, and one of the best things about...

EVE Online promises that ‘scarcity is not the new reality’ in its 2020 ecosystem report

If you've found that there's less ISK, resources, and general wealth in EVE Online, that's not just your mind playing tricks on you; it's...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2020

Earlier this week, we named our biggest MMO story of the year and gave it an award, though we imagine it's hard for a...
Venting prevents ex-plo-si-on.

Both sides of EVE Online’s massive World War Bee 2 have agreed to a Christmas truce

Mark the date of Monday, December 21st, 2020 in your calendar if you're the sort of person following EVE Online history as Internet Spaceship...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 302: Your MMO mail, our MMO opinions

Justin and Bree tackle an all-mailbag show, with topics including gaming music and writing mainstream awards, MMO exploration, crafting and EVE Online, vanilla Guild Wars 2, the "one MMO" gamer, MMOs that make you want to play other MMOs, WoW transmog, Raph Koster's brain, and Shadowbane.

Choose My Adventure: All the MMOs you made us play in 2020

It'd be spectacularly easy -- routine, even -- to look back at the year gone with derision, bitterness, and all sorts of acrid snark,...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2021

So... 2020 didn't go exactly as anyone planned. Our predictions for this past year were pretty janked up by that whole pandemic thing and...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offered the best PvP experience in 2020?

A few years back, we retired our award for the best PvP experience in an MMO, largely because neither our writers nor readers really...

Winter holiday events around the MMO universe, 2020 edition

Ho ho ho, it's Santa's younger brother Derrick here to do all of the jobs that Nick can't be bothered with this holiday season!...

CCP Games partners with Sperasoft for the latest in a long line of EVE franchise shooters

It's no secret at all that CCP Games has been working on a new multiplayer online game, or at least it shouldn't be if...

EVE Online details Winter Nexus events, new Tech 2 Drones as players bash the new character gen

It's not revelatory, it's not always something new, but for EVE Online players that have somehow missed out on hearing everything that's been added...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Best MMO Event of 2020

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Best MMO Event of 2020, which was awarded last year to AdventureQuest 3D...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO does the best at self-effacing humor?

That picture right up there might be the very first time that I've ever seen an EVE Online character portrayed with an actual smile....

EVE Online kicks off a ton of seasonal events for its icy-themed Winter Nexus

You might not think EVE Online is the type of MMO to get festive for the holidays, but it is! Although this blend of...

End-of-Year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs going into 2021

It is only natural that, when you are shopping around for a different MMORPG to play, to consider the health of potential play candidates....