internet spaceships

The Daily Grind: Do you share any craft skills with your favorite MMO toon?

I've heard of folks out there who intentionally pick crafts in MMOs because they're already experts at them - like the real-world politician who...
Capital city.

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Triglavian conflict comes to a head

The big conclusion of EVE Online's multipart Triglavian invasion is coming to a head with Quadrant 3: Zenith, which should hit soon. "Actions have consequences,"...

Star Citizen devs discuss the updates, features, and adjustments of alpha 3.10

With alpha 3.10 now in the PTU, fans of Star Citizen have a number of questions about the update. This past Friday's Star Citizen...

One Shots: Eyes on the prize

When you're such an amazing archer, you don't have to look at your target. When you're an expert at the bow, you can shoot...

Global Chat: Your complete LOTRO wedding guide

Is your mind whirling with all of the things to do with Lord of the Rings Online's new Midsummer Festival and the associated wedding...

Inside Star Citizen returns with details about building in-game brands and a sprint report

After another break, Star Citizen is back on its weekly video series rollout as Inside Star Citizen makes its full return. In this episode,...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s outlook in the lead-up to Crimson Desert

I've played nothing but the Black Desert season servers in the last month. It's such a fresh breath of air, and it's something I...

Star Citizen’s artists create armor concepts using space crab pieces in a livestream

Star Citizen will eventually have beasts like crabs, cows, and space whales. They will likely provide crafting materials and salable components. But what if...

EVE Echoes takes a peek at the inside of the Xian-Yue destroyer as beta testing wraps up

It never occurred to me that the internet spaceships of EVE Echoes have interiors manned by a crew of people; I always just envisioned...

The MOP UP: Star Wars Galaxies Legends invites new players to a server far, far away

Thinking about getting into that Star Wars Galaxies that all your friends have been pressuring you to play since 2003? The Legends rogue server...

EVE Online kicks off a series of competitive Proving Ground events

There's barely any reason to instigate a fight in EVE Online since players can simply blow you apart for the crime of logging on...
books about space here

Elite: Dangerous touches on player feedback from its latest patch, promises more Odyssey news soon

The players of Elite: Dangerous have some thoughts on the most recent Fleet Carriers patch, so the folks at Frontier Developments have offered up...
Sometimes you may even see the spaceships.

EVE Online opens up the first of its time-limited Proving Grounds for 2v2 fights

Players in EVE Online have been able to collect Proving Filaments for the new Proving Grounds fights for a little while now, but it's...

Elite: Dangerous fixes an installation issues for fleet carriers that may result in a new crew member

Fleet carriers have some bugs in Elite: Dangerous, and the newest patch for the game arriving tomorrow is fixing one of the major bugs...

EVE Online’s Zenith update begins the apex to the Triglavian invasion, adds new items and features

Today marks the rising crescendo of the Triglavian invasion in EVE Online. The Zenith update kicks off the beginning of the sandbox's third quadrant...

Star Citizen deep-dives the art underpinning its ship design

It's time once again for even more ship design porn from Star Citizen. If you're the sort that adores all of the attention CIG...

Star Citizen offers rewards for players helping players during Foundation Festival 2950

The month of July is all about the power of friendship in Star Citizen. Or at the very least cooperation and shepherding freshly minted...

One Shots: Forest for the trees

There's something enchanting and thrillingly dangerous about stepping into a vast forest in an MMORPG. You never know what may be around the next...

Star Trek Online is all about Klingons today for its Day of Honor

You woke up and you thought that this Saturday was going to be just another normal day. Maybe some late morning pancakes, some mumbled...

EVE Online’s new Training Boost Bundle causes consternation in the community

In space, nobody can hear you scream, but in EVE Online you can hear the distinct wail of a community uproar thanks to the...