
Overwatch 2 launches Winter Wonderland this week

It's time to mark the wintery season in both Hearthstone and Overwatch 2 as both games have lined up their seasonal events for the......

Hearthstone: March of the Lich King arrives today with the Death Knight and 145 new cards

You can't keep a powerful lich king down! We mean that literally: You bury one, and it'll pop back up in the morning with...

Genshin Impact version 3.3 brings new characters, new items, and a new trading card game

All Senses Clear, All Existence Void. It's not just a general mindset for our modern times; it's the name of the next update coming...

Hearthstone preps March of the Lich King set with new patch

It's not quite launch day for Hearthstone's newest card set, March of the Lich King, but that's not going to stop Blizzard from being...
Last cast.

Harry Potter Magic Awakened announces plans for a 2023 launch as it tightens up the game

NetEase's mobile MMOTCG Harry Potter: Magic Awakened has been doing a lot of previewing, singing, and pre-registering, but it hasn't done a lot of...

WoW, Overwatch, Diablo, and more to sunset in China following failed Blizzard-Netease licensing deal

Last week, as part of its Q3 2022 investor report, Activision-Blizzard included what we described as an ominous note about its apparent difficulties negotiating...
Not worth cheering over.

Hearthstone applies updates to Battlegrounds and Arenas, Overwatch releases a new novel

We're pulling together the news from Hearthstone and Overwatch together into their own combined story simply because they're kind of teeny on their own...

First impressions of Marvel Snap, an addictive mobile card game by Hearthstone’s former director

Feeling the effects of the "superhero movie fatigue syndrome" that's going around these days, I wasn't overly eager to check out Marvel Snap when...
Wrong dragon, right flighting.

World of Warcraft’s freebie Feldrake mount causes fan outrage as Dragonflight’s dungeons are previewed

Normally a Twitch drop item isn't something we'd call headline news, even if that drop comes from the 500-pound gorilla that is World of...

Hearthstone announces March of the Lich King expansion for December 6

Hearthstone is basically built on top of Warcraft universe lore, so Blizzard's announcement today - that the game's net expansion is called March of...

Massively Overthinking: Do you have a love/hate relationship with specific MMO content?

This week's Massively Overthinking is inspired by one of Justin's Daily Grinds, ironically. It was the one about the best online card game you've...

Magic Online has made its formal move to Daybreak Game Company

One of the longest-running Magic the Gathering video games jumped ship this week to come under the command of Daybreak. Magic Online officially made...

The MOP Up: Crossout revs up a major engine upgrade

Just because the world's ended doesn't mean it can't look better. That's the philosophy of vehicular MMO Crossout, which is prepping a major engine...
You aren't going anywhere for a while, right?

The Daily Grind: What’s the best online card game you’ve ever played?

I've always held fleeting love affairs with digital card games. I played a whole lot of Magic Online back in the day, not to...

NetEase’s Harry Potter Magic Awakened TCG sings you a song in its latest video

Every good game needs a theme song (and arguably every bad game does as well). Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, the upcoming mobile MMOTCG from...

Not So Massively: Eternal Card Game is a solo-friendly hidden gem

Over the past year or so I've developed what you might call a bit of an interest in collectible card games. Mostly I play...

Genshin Impact developer confirms it’s not focusing on making new endgame content

You've hit the highest adventure rank possible in Genshin Impact. Now what? Well, you head to the Spiral Abyss for artifacts, materials, and currencies......

Riot Games’ Legends of Runeterra announces new card rotations and formats

Legends of Runeterra, Riot Games' multiplayer digital card game, is preparing to go down the same path of many of its digital and analogue...

Hearthstone releases its new mini-set and updates Battlegrounds and Mercenaries in latest patch

The time for Maw and Disorder is now in Hearthstone's newest patch, which brings on the titular mini-set the CCG unveiled last week -...

Hearthstone’s Maw and Disorder mini-set brings new cards and mechanics on September 27

Apparently there's something of a little narrative going on in Hearthstone, as the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion has seen Sylvanas accused of the...