Fallen Earth solves the mystery of the vanishing character select screen
You have to simultaneously feel bad for and cheer on Little Orbit, which has taken on the creaky code mess that is Fallen Earth...
Z1 Battle Royale’s latest patch is adding in race cars
So maybe Z1 Battle Royale (formerly H1Z1, formerly King of the Kill, briefly known as High Lord Algernon Whipoorwill And His Amazing Whirlygig for...
Daybreak filed for yet another studio trademark just a week ago
Last week, we covered some odd happenings over at the MMORPG company formerly known as SOE and now known as Daybreak, and today we've...
Fan-built Fallout Online projects are happening in the classic game style
So, are you of the mind that Fallout 76 didn't really capture what you wanted from an online game in the franchise's universe? Perhaps...
Daybreak spent June creating even more new companies than we thought
This week, we've been covering some strange moves over at MMORPG company Daybreak, the studio long ago comfortably nestled under Sony's hierarchy as SOE...
After suggesting it’d save Player Studio, Daybreak has quietly shuttered it for EverQuest instead
Back in March, Daybreak appointed a new Producer for its long-running Player Studio program - that's the system that allowed players to create and...
That new Lord of the Rings MMORPG is still happening, now with Amazon’s New World team on board
Hey remember last September when Athlon Games - owned by Leyou Technologies, which also owns Warframe studio Digital Extremes - announced that it was...
The Game Archaeologist: Ironman modes and elective permadeath
One facet of video games that's been around almost since the very beginning is difficulty levels. This allowed the player to choose how hard...
Gamigo plans Defiance 2050 anniversary event with goodies for Classic Defiance too
When Gamigo sunsetted Atlas Reactor without any hoopla last week, a lot of folks in our comments and beyond wondered which former Trion Worlds...
The MOP Up: Prosperous Universe’s economy gets a boost with local markets
The economy obviously is a major component of the upcoming Prosperous Universe -- it's kind of hinted at right there in the name, after...
Fallen Earth has had two very bad months, but work is still being done on the game
Matt Scott, CEO of Little Orbit, has popped back over to the official Fallen Earth forums to offer an update on the game's development....
Global Chat: Daybreak is a zombie, walking
What can call an MMO blogger out of retirement? A game studio putting in below the bare minimum of effort in its updates seems...
Perfect Ten: The most poorly managed MMO sunsets of all time
MMOs shut down. This is just kind of a reality. It's an unpleasant one, but we also are collectively aware that it happens and...
One Shots: Deep diving
Can't say that I approve of the flagrant disregard for deep diving safety protocols that are on display in our spotlight picture from Final...
APB Reloaded’s new battle royale mode is now online after a week’s delay
Last week, APB Reloaded was gearing up for a new patch, the biggest the game had seen since Little Orbit took over last year....
H1Z1 launches season 4 as Daybreak says it’s ‘not ready to call it quits’ on Z1 Battle Royale
Z1 Battle Royale - the PC game once known as H1Z1 - has had a rough year or two, losing most of its playerbase,...
APB Reloaded launches battle royale mode APB RIOT into open beta today [Updated]
It's gonna be a big Wednesday for APB Reloaded: New developer Little Orbit is launching the biggest update the game's seen since the takeover....
The Survivalist: What ever happened to the smaller survival sandbox MMOs? Part two
Last week we learned what was up with a number of the smaller survival sandbox MMOs. Sadly, some have faded away, but others are...
The Survivalist: What ever happened to the smaller survival sandbox MMOs?
With big name survival games getting ignored developmentally, you have to wonder what's been going on with the smaller titles. After all, we've got...
Not So Massively: Mourning the wasted potential of Trion’s Defiance
One of my biggest gaming pet peeves is people declaring games "dead" before their time. If you can play it, it's not dead. This...