NCsoft Q1 2015: Growth for Guild Wars 2, further deflation for WildStar

All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

NCsoft‘s first quarter financial report is out, and… you know, let’s start with the good news. Guild Wars 2 is making the company more money, fueled by all of that talk about an expansion pack, so that’s doing quite well. Blade & Soul is also apparently doing fairly well with its addition of a Taiwanese version, at that.

And… yes, that was it for the good news. The company’s net income is down 3% year-on-year, with an expectation that the company will rebound in the next quarter but grim numbers for now. It doesn’t help that WildStar‘s numbers continue to fall, dropping 50% to a bit over $2 million in sales. This continues the downward trend established with the last financial report from the publisher. You can check out the entire financial report on the official corporate site.

Source: NCsoft Corporate; thanks to yeahreally and Clay for the tip!
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