Don’t you love running content in hopes of getting a rare drop that never, ever shows up? If you love that, you will hate the R&D system being introduced in the most recent DC Universe Online game update, which launches today. On the other hand, those of you who like knowing that pure luck is not the sole determinant of character progression (also known as “almost everyone”) will be happy that the system allows players to break down and salvage unwanted gear to eventually craft a desired rare drop, ensuring that randomness is a bonus in your favor rather than your only hope.
Members can do more than just fight back against randomness, though; Episode 18 is available now for members and will be available for everyone to purchase on November 11th. That means a new eight-person operation and a new duo serving as the penultimate installments in the War of Light and League of Assassins storylines, respectively. There’s also a new powerset available for those eagerly awaiting Atomic powers, available to members for free and to all for purchase. It’s a lot to take in all at once, but having a lot to do in a game is not exactly a bad thing.