Yesterday’s release of the standalone character creator for Black Desert has prompted the internet to play dress-up dolls en masse, some in the service of winning the ongoing contest and possibly pocketing a closed beta key and a stack of cash shop currency, and some in the service of pure trollish insanity and/or exploration. This guy is clearing gunning for the win.
More below… some NSFW!
Polygon decided to build Bart Simpson because why not.
This one’s meant to be Donald Trump.
Two different Redditors built The Witcher’s Geralt. Competing Geralts!
Twitter user @ank_wobl made a valiant effort to explore the game’s boob sliders. You know, for science.
Finally, Massively OP reader DeadlyAccurate shows off heterochromia options for eyes.
Now, some testers have complained that the character creator is detailed but doesn’t allow the freedom they hoped for, even above and beyond the gender locking of the game. “All classes provide a handful of preset faces that force you into a specific overall look,” explained Massively OP commenter MatthewYetter. “Warriors are all young men. Wizards are all old men. You can do lots of things within that stereotype, but you cannot deviate from it by any method. I was already waffling about whether to be interested in this game but their character generator has actually killed it for me.” [Emphasis ours.]
“It is too blunt to create characters that really look like someone, or that look exactly the way you want,” wrote MOP community member melissaheather this morning. “I was making the elf archer of my dreams, all was right with the world, until I discovered I cannot have brown eyes. They can be reddish, grayish, but not brown. They can be pink, purple, green, etc. out the wazoo, but they can’t be the eye color of 3 billion people on this planet.” Still, she says, “I don’t mean for [that] to be negative. I’m just coming to grips with reality vs. expectations. The avatars are amazing looking. I will be able to make something I am totally happy with.”
Players are already speculating that the game might launch in March based on the end date of the contest distribution.