If you missed the BlizzCon liveblog (or fell asleep before the ending), you missed the best part and the biggest cheers: Blizzard announced big stuff for Diablo III, including what amounts to an expansion (though it’s not quite calling it that) and a new class.
The Darkening of Tristram basically puts classic Diablo I content smack dab in the middle of Diablo III: “Celebrate 20 years of Diablo by traveling back into the depths of the Cathedral where it all began in this upcoming Diablo III: Reaper of Souls content update. Get ready to explore a monster-filled dungeon 16 levels deep, and come face to face with the four main bosses from the original game—all with retro touches like special graphics filters and eight-direction character movement.”
That content is free for ROS owners, but the Rise of the Necromancer pack will cost you: “Coming in 2017, the Rise of the Necromancer pack will allow you to master the dark arts, draw your magic from the power of death itself, and command mighty armies of risen warriors—oh, and explode corpses, too.”
We’ll be liveblogging the Diablo III panel tonight at 8 p.m. EDT, so check back then for more!