“While all of this improvement work is going on, we’re also putting work into bigger things coming up, and we’re getting ready to share more of that,” CCP Seagull said, transitioning into a discussion on what might be discussed at Fanfest this year. She promised that a roadmap for the game’s future will be unveiled and that attendees can help to shape the story of the EVE Universe while there.
Get your EVE Online briefing in full after the break, and don’t miss today’s patch, the 119.2 Guardian’s Gala update.
“The Angel Cartel and the Serpentis Corporation are gathering for their annual talks to discuss business and the underworld politics of New Eden. With narcotics smuggling on the rise, and the Cartel and Serpentis rumored to be using Super Kerr Injected Nano-coatings to mask the contents of their cargo holds, CONCORD are offering incentives for capsuleers to put a stop to the Gala, by locating and destroying their rally points.”