The question is, did it work? Did Guild Wars 2’s preview weekend convince you to buy Path of Fire? Let’s hit the polls and find out.
Did Guild Wars 2's preview weekend convince you to buy Path of Fire?
- I preordered Path of Fire even before the preview weekend or because of a reason other than the preview weekend. (38%, 284 Votes)
- I preordered Path of Fire because of my experience in or coverage of the preview weekend. (9%, 66 Votes)
- I played the preview weekend and am still on the fence about buying Path of Fire. (13%, 99 Votes)
- I did not play the preview weekend and am still on the fence about buying Path of Fire. (9%, 67 Votes)
- I played the preview weekend and will not buy Path of Fire because of that experience. (7%, 51 Votes)
- I decided not to buy Path of Fire for reasons not having to do with the preview weekend experience. (11%, 81 Votes)
- No answer / elf butts / just want to see standings. (14%, 102 Votes)
Total Voters: 750