Citadel Forged With Fire is rolling out a new patch tomorrowday, and if you’re following the early access game, you’re probably gonna wanna know what’s in it. The big change comes in the form of a siege spell rebalance, the product of a lot of “feedback from the community” that we’re sure was entirely helpful and polite. Essentially, siege spells will be unlocked at lower levels, chiefly to “give lower level players the ability to retaliate should they find themselves the target of a raid.”
Dive Bomb in particular drops to level 30, but it’s also seeing a nerf. “We’ve made its AOE range significantly smaller to prevent it from causing massive damage to large chunks of a structure,” says Blue Isle, further noting it’ll be harder to make too.
Wanna see more? There’s a dev stream on Twitch later today at 4 p.m. EDT. Full patch notes are up too!