It’s the given truth that just about nobody — including World of Warcraft’s development team — is happy with the state of Battle for Azeroth’s azerite armor right now. As the community continues to grumble over this gear, Blizzard announced a series of major improvements that it is preparing to make the gear useful, exciting, and obtainable.
For starters, Blizzard will be making azerite armor easier to obtain, most notably by adding it to emissary rewards. The potential gear payout from these world quest chains will scale up to 370 for the three pieces. Additionally, World of Warcraft is going to add another ring of trait option onto the newer gear and bringing in better traits overall with Patch 8.1.
“Some of those changes won’t be coming until Tides of Vengeance,” Blizzard said, “but the overall availability of Azerite Armor is a much more pressing concern, so we’re investigating ways of hotfixing that directly into the live game.”
Blizzard has kinda been on a roll with the big news lately; here’s a quick look at what you may have missed: