Like many of you, I remember the rise of MMOs when it was actually happening. I remember when shooters were king too. And I remember when I first heard about this weirdo kiddie game called League of Legends in a magazine made out of paper. Along with you, I watched the rise of the MOBA, felt the pressure to cover the new genre that seemed just a spin-off of MMO arenas. It seemed unimaginable that anyone could ever dethrone the new hotness that was taking esports born in South Korean netcafes and turning them into a western moneymaker.
And yet here we are, in 2018, a year after H1Z1, PUBG, and Fortnite shoved the battle royale game template into the spotlight, with League of Legends losing both prominence and apparently revenue. None of these templates stays on top forever. Trends change. Studios turn over. The cycle repeats.
What will be the next online game template to take off? And how far off do you think it’ll be?