Anthem wasn’t done when it launched. Let’s just get that out of the way: The consensus across journalists and players (including ours!) is that it’s buggy and unfinished, with the heart of a great game under all the mess. And BioWare’s recent developer stream of the game acknowledges and addresses some of that.
Next’s week’s patch – landing the same day as Division 2’s launch – is planned to fix the PlayStation 4 crashes, as well as the ongoing damage scaling bugs. (It also implied Reddit claims that the game was bricking machines were false.) But the update won’t fix some of the more widespread problems with the game, like the prevailing belief that “loot is lame” in general. We also don’t have much of a timeline for updates for the brand-new title which seems strange. (Contrast it with, say, Fallout 76’s massive and frankly comforting roadmap.)
IGN even has up a piece chronicling bans going on in the game this week, pointing out that BioWare appears to be issuing temporary bans to players and streamers over what appear to be minor glitches.