March is the third anniversary for Black Desert Online, and it’s celebrating through a number of events. To be fair, a lot of events is kind of de rigeur for the game, but those events aren’t the Glimmering Old Moon event and thus don’t allow access to TRI Accessories. So that’s a strong element in favor of this particular sequence of events. Players can also take part in the Cron Collector event for Cron boxes (which makes it hard to feel like Cron is a real word when you type it repeatedly, a problem not helped by the fact that it’s not a real word).
Of course, this all comes as part of the game’s larger patch launch, which also includes new Black Spirit’s Rage effects on a number of different skills for each class. Charge up the aforementioned rage, then unleash it for skill-dependent effects to deal greater damage, increase area of effect, or otherwise alter the operation. Check through the full patch notes to see how this skill expansion effects your classes of choice.