It’s almost time for players to start testing World of Warcraft’s patch 8.2, the Rise of Azshara. But you won’t be going into testing blind, as the developers took the time to reveal much of what players can expect today, helpfully summarized by Wowhead. One of the biggest changes is the addition of the new Essence system for the Heart of Azeroth, allowing players to slot three Essences (glyphs) into the necklace with progressively upgraded forms and passive powers. Some are role-agnostic, some are limited to specific roles, but all have a handful of active or passive abilities available for players.
The patch also includes the new zones of Mechagon and Nazjatar, with multiple daily challenges and expeditions to undertake in both locales. You’ll also be able to fly in those zones once you finish unlocking the second part of the Pathfinder achievement, unlike prior post-launch zones that restricted flying (Argus, looking in your direction). Check out the full summary for a snapshot of what’s on the way aside from just a new button to push every couple of minutes.