It’ll soon be time for EverQuest II players to bid farewell to the Fallen Gate server. As a time-locked expansion server it offered players a different approach to playing the game, but the Daybreak has announced that the server will be merged with the live server Antonia Bayle on June 5th. All characters on the server will be granted a free transfer token as of today, so if you’d like to have more control over where your characters wind up, you’ll get it.
The usual FAQ about the exact mechanics of server merges is in place as well; name conflicts for both characters and guilds will be sorted on the basis of the older character or guild (so long as both characters in question have logged in within the past 60 days). We can only hope that fans of the time-locked progression servers have gotten in all the adventures they wanted before the closure.
Meanwhile, in the real world fans of the franchise can stop into a special EverQuest-themed exhibit at the Comic-Con museum in San Diego on April 27th and 28th. It’s a different sort of trip down memory lane.
Source: Official Site, Museum Announcement