The anniversary fiction for Final Fantasy XIV is as much of a tradition as the actual in-game event for the rising, and this year is no exception to that. We’ve got a second story available now, and this time it’s following the forever surly and standoffish wyrmslayer Estinien as he does his level best to avoid getting drawn into the work of the Scions while already entangled in a scenario he would have just as soon have avoided.
If you had forgotten that Estinien was kind of a tool, this story should remind you of that.
While Estinien doesn’t have a role in the main events on Norvrandt, his position is vital during the Shadowbringers story for establishing the events taking place back on the Source, and this fills in the blank of how he got from the end of the last expansion’s story up to his place in those events. And if that’s not enough, the story has Orn Khai flapping about. He’s a good dragon.Source: Official Site