If you’re playing Dungeons & Dragons Online on an Apple desktop, you’re going to need to change clients. The existing MacOS client for the systems is being replaced with a new Wine-based client when a major update rolls around in October, which will mean the need to download and install a new client. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for the official changeover, as the new client is available to download and install right now if you want to get ahead of the curve.
Players can feel free to install the new client and delete the old one, although this will not be strictly necessary for a little while longer. Still, there’s no loss of character data and getting it installed now could save time when it’s mandatory for logging in, so MacOS users might as well shrug and get the installation changed over now. You know, just get the chore done with earlier.Source: Official Site; thanks to DDOCentral for the tip!