Job one of the tank is to generate threat and keep aggro. Job two is to hope you’re not teamed with a DPS who dashes ahead of everyone like they have a bomb inside of them that will explode if they go below 50 MPH. In Legends of Aria, threat generation isn’t really a thing… until Point Release 8 comes around, anyway, as it will introduce threat and threat-generating abilities, along with a new macro system and the all-new Runebook.
Warrior-type characters will soon be able to learn Martial abilities, which consume the Bloodlust resource. Bloodlust is gained from the use of an Offensive Shout that increases Bloodlust when dealing damage or a Defensive Shout that increases Bloodlust when taking damage — DPS stance or Tank stance, effectively. Skills that burn Bloodlust include an AoE taunt skill and an AoE ability that applies a damage debuff to surrounding foes, both of which generate threat to keep an enemy’s eyes on the tank.
Point Release 8 will also introduce a macro generation feature that lets you weave together skills and abilities, commands like “wait” or “repeat,” and even messages in a UI-based format. Players can drag their chosen skill, an icon that applies a command, and messages into a sequence, then create a button that will initiate the macro.
Finally, the Runebook feature will let players store runes they find, effectively letting players create a travel log of locations they find for fast travel, create rune libraries, or store marked runes. Use of the Runebook requires Recall Charges, which requires mastery of the difficulty five Manifestation spell Charge Runebook and the proper reagents.
These aren’t the only features coming to this Legends of Aria update, however. There’s also changes coming to craft orders in order to make them feel more rewarding and consistent, and players can look forward to another dev blog that will talk about PvE and PvP content. There’s no release date for this update yet, but you can expect to see features hitting the test server soon. And for more Legends of Aria, be sure to check out today’s Choose My Adventure, where I’ll be wrapping up my second look at this sandbox MMO. It’s going to be… unique.