You’ve got to be a pretty rough town to be dubbed the City of the Demon Gods, but the new dungeon being added to Revelation Online with the launch of the Skyward World update has just such an ominous moniker. We assume it’s just, like, the worst to hang out there. It also sends players back in time 1600 years to face off against the eponymous Demon Gods, so it’s apparently so bad that you actually need to go back in time just to tolerate it. That’s pretty bad.
[AL:Rev]Players who decide to brave the horrors of the unwelcoming city will fortunately have allies, as it’s a 10-player dungeon with both Normal and Achievement modes, both of which can be challenged three times a week. It’s available on any server in which someone has completed the Challenge version of Eternal Chasm, with players requiring level 69 (nice) or higher to enter. Check out the full preview for a rundown of all five bosses before you book your vacation. We’re expecting the update at some point in later March.Source: Official Site