Alas, Black Ice Warhorse, your old ability was too complicated for Neverwinter. So now it has been made simpler and adjusted to be more in line with other mount abilities. That’s the general tone of the various updates and improvements which have arrived in the game for the most recent patch, with smaller changes aimed at making a more pleasant experience and fixing both bugs and usability issues. Valindra’s Tower, for example, now has additional respawn points, while Stronghold-related quests now require level 80 instead of level 70.
Other changes include balance tweaks for Rogue’s Dark Reimbursement and correcting an error for Storm Spell that was being affected by the critical strike chance, along with fixing young remorhazes having an unusually large aggro radius. Check out the full patch notes for all of the fine details, which is more or less the focus of the patch in and of itself. There’s stuff to adjust, but it’ll hopefully improve the game experience for everyone.Source: Official Site