The days may be getting longer, but that only means that the shadows are increasing in force. Yesterday, EverQuest II dared its players to return to the Plane of Shadows to face off against Emperor Ssraeshza — but only with the help of a Feral Spirit ceremony to bolster their power.
Game Update 117: Whispers of Tyranny includes “a slew of changes, including class updates, a new season of Overseer, new quests, new raids, and new heroics, and a few more surprises for you to discover on Luclin.”
“Now, you are summoned to Shar Vahl to find Head Scholar Nabihan awaiting your arrival. The Duality has sent her with the perfect item for an offering of this magnitude; the Coalescence of Life — the fabled item said to have the power to restore life. Join Hymnist Wadakha and offer the item in a ceremony to The Feral Spirit at the Whisperling Falls in Shadeweaver’s Thicket. The tendrils of magic and spirit combine, on this last step of your journey. Will Sahteb Mahlni give you the power you need? Can you contend with Emperor Ssraeshza on the Plane of Shadow and become wielders of shadowbane? Ready thyselves Adventurers it’s time to steel thy will. You’ll need it.”
Check out the patch notes for all of the deets! Next up on EverQuest II’s docket is some work and progression through the special TLE servers.