The latest update for Dungeons & Dragons Online is adding some spikes. No, not with the game’s newest set of adventures that are available to purchase in the game’s store or free to VIP members; the Perils of the Planar Eyes adventures should probably be kept free of spikes. Spikes don’t go well with eyes. They do involve looking for the eponymous artifacts which are also being pursued by the Hidden Hand, but that’s not the spiky bit/
No, the spiking comes from changes in how the game manages Doublestrikes and Doubleshot damage. In order to reduce lag for everyone, changes have been made so that extra damage is automatically applied for hits that Doublestrike or Doubleshot, but separate attacks are not played out… which means that by the patch notes’ own statement you’ll see somewhat higher highs and lower lows over time. The overall damage should remain fairly consistent, though; check out the patch notes for all of the details on the game’s changes.Source: Official Site; thanks to DDOCentral for the tip!