If you want to enable a one-time password for your Square-Enix account to access Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XI, or both? That’s a good and sensible security measure. And now it’s easier to do even if you’re not interested in making use of the Square-Enix software token app available for your phone or the physical security token. Instead, you can just use either the Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator apps to include your one-time password that way.
If you already have the Square-Enix application or the physical authenticator, you won’t be able to add this tool to your particular account, so you’ll need to remove those first if you’d prefer to have your one-time passwords concentrated into one application. But if you don’t yet have a token? You can just set up and go for either game or both at the same time, with all the same benefits of registering a one-time password as before.