Feel like having some meat between two pieces of bread? The idea might occur to you as you’re playing through the content added with the latest update for AdventureQuest 3D, and that’s entirely natural, as the newest part of the game’s Sandsea Saga has you taking on the Sand Witch and our brains can only handle so many different meanings for that combination of sounds. There’s also a new challenge fight to defend the ruins and a new optional dungeon (The Vault of the Undying King) for players to take on, if you’re hungry for more.
While new content is all well and good, this particular patch is also changing existing content in a way as well. From this point onward boss maps in the daily rotation will be on, well, a set rotation; it won’t just be a matter of pure randomness. That means more planning about what you want to take on and when. Check out the full set of patch notes for all of the changes and improvements made with the update.