Crowfall has released its second big dev blog since launch this week, addressing the upcoming patch, which is due to land on the test server shortly. Players who jump in to test will pick up a tankard as a gift.
“The most exciting additions you will see in this upcoming release on Test, is The Shadow – our 3-Faction campaign worlds and significantly larger Dregs maps. We’ve also reworked the Assassin and Duelist classes to give them some more love. This release will also include hundreds of additional updates affecting performance, powers, crafting, items, Eternal Kingdoms (personal player housing), and all the other aspects of Crowfall.”
Oh, and if you listened to the MOP Podcast this week, you know we discussed Crowfall’s weirdly absent marketing, struggling to sort out the given reasons and possible explanations for why it’s lagged behind. It’ll all be moot soon, as ArtCraft says it’ll be starting its advertising campaign this very week.
“Our first Dregs (Guild vs. Guild) campaigns in the EU, US East and US West regions started on Friday July 9, and will run through Sunday August 1st,” the team writes. “We’re still building our player base in the Brazilian and Australian markets and campaigns will go live in those territories as soon as the population warrants.”