Last night saw the Stanton system of Star Citizen expand by one more planet as the gas giant Crusader, and by extension the landing zone of Orison aka the city in the clouds, is now a destination in the release of alpha 3.14. The new landing zone is a primary feature of this new alpha build, allowing players to visit the Crusader shipyards and take in the views of what’s described as “arguably the most picturesque city in Stanton.”
The update features more than a pretty parking lot for spaceships, of course. The update also introduces a missile operator mode for co-pilots to control missile firing in combat, adjustments to the power triangle system, the new Ninetails dynamic event, and updates to radar, scanning, and pinging among other things. Alpha 3.14 also brings a new ship in the form of the Constellation Taurus, a hauler that boasts a chunky 168 SCU of cargo space. The ship will set player back a cool $190 for the standalone or $160 for the ship with warbond insurance if fans are thirsting for a shiny new space truck immediately, or players can work up the funds to buy the ship in-game if they wish.
As one might expect with a new Star Citizen update, there are patch notes to comb over and new trailers to ogle, which can be done in the embed below.