The news continues to gush forth from Destiny 2 as the devs at Bungie talk up additional features coming with The Witch Queen expansion’s launch. In the studio’s weekly newsletter, fans get a look at what is being called “Void 3.0,” which effectively does a lot of reworking to the Void subclasses for players.
The post takes a deep dive into what’s changing for Void, but overall the idea is to apply more customization options and let players build a character style they prefer much like “Subclass 3.0” introduced with Beyond Light’s launch. Some of the changes for Void subclasses include new effects like suppression of active abilities or increased damage on foes and overshields and invisibility to allies, along with a number of new Void abilities for each class.
The post further acknowledges that Solar and Arc subclasses will be getting the Subclass 3.0 treatment as well, with further details to be revealed later. Until then, the newsletter points out that there will be no new Darkness subclass added in the next expansion or through Year 5, and no new Stasis aspects and Fragments with the current Season of the Lost.