People are dying to fly in World of Warcraft’s upcoming next patch. You might be about to argue that flight isn’t keeping with the theme of patch 9.1.5 (“baby, we changed, please love us again”) because flight was actually unlocked back in patch 9.1, and that’s accurate, but in this particular case that first line wasn’t hyperbole. One of the undocumented changes currently up on the test server is exactly what it sounds like, allowing players to fly while in spirit form in the four main zones of the Shadowlands.
Anyone who has ever been stuck in one of the more irritating parts of Revendreth after dying will no doubt welcome the change allowing for flight instead of waiting for an elevator while dead just to retrieve a corpse, naturally. It’s a minor change to improve quality of life (or, more accurately, quality of death), but it should be welcomed by players who no longer have to navigate the landscape upon a corpse run.