After all the work rebuilding Ishgard, Final Fantasy XIV players understandably want to take pieces of the city-state’s land for building their own homes. Square-Enix is even changing the housing system for patch 6.1 so that players will enter a lottery for housing purchase instead of everything running on a first-come first-served basis. But there are also questions to be asked about the mechanics of the lottery, questions that have now been answered in the original post explaining the lottery system.
First and foremost, it’s important to note that you cannot enter a lottery for both a free company estate and a personal estate; you are restricted to one entry per period. Furthermore, while multiple members of a free company may enter the lottery for multiple different plots, if two or more plots are won, the company must choose one to claim as a winner and the other one will count as failing to claim your winning entry (meaning you’ll lose some gil). Multiple members all entering for the same plot, meanwhile, don’t have this problem; only one entry will win, and the other members will receive a full refund. Check out the full Q&A at the end of the original post.Source: Official Site