So it’s only been a couple days since Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida once more asked the community to avoid using third-party tools, which are against the game’s terms of service and not technically allowed. But now this policy has resulted in a couple of streamers on both the Japanese and English-speaking fanbases being banned because they were displaying prohibited tools while playing the game. And the fanbase… wound up putting together a whole lot of memes in response to these events.
The general community sentiment appears to be summed up rather easily in one post arguing that Square has been very clear about not wanting to ban people or start a witch hunt of any sort, while noting that some players are making this stance very difficult to maintain as if they’re daring the devs to ban them. This is coupled with fears of faked footage implying the use of mods that might lead to mass reporting, which is hardly the desired outcome. So it’s not an ideal situation, but as always, if you’re going to stream the game, it’s probably not a great idea to show off something that breaks the terms of service for everyone to see.