It’s time for another go-round of All Saints’ Wake in Final Fantasy XIV, which is… actually something we already did this year, in January. Yes, really. This time around, we are celebrating the Halloween event around actual Halloween. And instead of dressing up like an evil clown, we’re getting to dress up as an evil scientist complete with evil gas mask, evil rubber gloves, and evil comfortable doctoring slacks!
All right, maybe you’re not evil; you’re just morally ambiguous, Dr. Vahzilok of Eorzea. It’s the same costume, that’s the important point.
Players can also unlock a new emote to eat a delicious and season-appropriate pumpkin cookie, as well as a caged wisp as a housing decoration item. The event kicks off on October 19th and runs through November 1st, so players will have plenty of time to enjoy all of the spooky festivities they like for the duration of the event.