We were all pretty excited back in 2021 when Starborne Sovereign Space developer Solid Clouds announced a persistent MMORPG spinoff called Starborne Frontiers, bringing to bear all the sci-fi MMO expertise of the former CCP developers on the team. Unfortunately, by early 2022, the game had been downgraded to merely a “squad RPG” for PC and mobile as the developers even edited the MMORPG verbiage out of their early press releases (fortunately, they didn’t have the only copies!).
Following a closed beta that began last June, the game has finally reached its launch phase, or at least its “soft launch” phase, and it seems to have morphed genres yet again as Solid Clouds talks up its mobile functionality and gacha inspirations. Oh yeah, and PC has apparently been delayed to “later this year”; this soft launch is strictly for Apple and Google mobile devices.
“Starborne: Frontiers is a one-of-a-kind mobile experience for sci-fi fans, now available on iOS and Android devices, with a PC release to follow later this year. The game draws inspiration from popular gacha and tactics-based games but features unique strategy elements and a realistic art style not commonly seen in the genre. Starborne: Frontiers promises a story-driven experience, expanding on the intrigue and mystery of the Starborne Universe. Set 400 years in the future, players will find themselves on the lawless fringes of the Starborne Universe, where mega-corporations fight for wealth and control. From the ruthless Zealot Pirates of XAOC, to the immortal scientists of Everliving, each group has their own agenda to push. Players must rely on their fleet to protect themselves and fight their way to the top of the galaxy.”
A very long way from a persistent MMORPG, indeed. At least there’s still a multiplayer component: “Starborne: Frontiers also offers exciting PvP and cooperative gameplay. Players can enter the Arena to test their skills against other players, or team up with an alliance to tackle challenges together.”