Diablo IV sent cosplayers to hawk the ARPG at an LA baseball stadium and bar


At this point, it’s clear that Blizzard will throw anything and everything at the wall in order to promote the fact that Diablo IV is a thing. Further illustrating the point was a recent promotional stunt where the studio sent a pair of cosplayers out to Los Angeles, California, for an LA Angels baseball game.

The cosplayers, dressed up as Lillith and Inarius, tried to get into Angel Stadium but were reportedly turned away at the gates, according to Blizzard’s press release. This left the pair to instead head to a local bar “to commiserate, interact with fans, and take a well-deserved rest after smashing records and snatching souls for the last two weeks.”

It’s yet another page in the expanding story full of fried chicken, chores, cathedrals, meat shakes, music videos, and Megan Fox, all likely hoping to throw as many smoke bombs as possible to direct people away from Blizzard’s overall malfeasance and D4’s potential post-launch support woes.

On the subject of post-launch support, the weekend has seen multiple bug fixing patches released, while the game is also kicking off some short story releases to further paint the game’s world. Likely in lots of greys and browns.

sources: press release, official site (1, 2)
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