At this past weekend’s PC Gaming Show, Mainframe Infustries’ gorgeous MMO Pax Dei was one of the major stars, even if you’re not an MMO fan. The game was teased all the way back in 2021 but wasn’t unveiled until this past spring; to date, the devs have talked up a huge sandbox world with a open-world medieval backdrop, player-driven design, elaborate PvP, housing and villages – basically everything you expect from a full-scale UE5 sandbox MMORPG. Oh, and it has a ton of money to make it all happen, which ought to be a breath of fresh air for MMO players weary of promises that go nowhere.
The latest video doubles down on the player-governed dynamism of the game, which is very clearly inspired by the mechanics of older sandboxes like EVE Online – no surprise, as the lead devs came from CCP Games. We’re tucking that video below, but stay tuned because Mainframe is apparently dropping even more tomorrow, including “a comprehensive FAQ, an interview, exclusive gameplay footage and new screenshots,” according to its Discord announcement.