A Friday Q&A session with Lord of the Rings Online’s executive producer turned into a treasure trove of exciting information for the MMO’s fans. Rob Ciccolini confirmed a new race, class, and much more coming in the rest of 2023.
The long-rumored River Hobbits are now a fact — and are heading to the game with this summer’s Update 37. SSG shared several pieces of concept art from the Hobbit racial variant that shows some adorable furniture (and a possible River Hobbit housing neighborhood), outfits, and hairstyles.
Also with Update 37 is a “refresh” for the Beorning and Guardian classes, additional expansions for the delving system, crafting work, and a “stat crunch” (not a level crunch) designed to bring the ever-ballooning numbers in the game down to a more manageable level.
Past U37 is Update 38 and the Umbar expansion. This will include the new class, which was revealed to be the Mariner. This will be a DPS class that’ll use sea shanties as part of its damage dealing.
Other announcements form the stream include work being done for new legendary servers for this fall, a big fix for lag coming next week, and plans to finally start working on a 4K update to the game’s graphics.