The first chapter of Conan Exiles’ Age of War season has officially launched today with a new battle pass. Age of War is set to run three total updates; this is just the first.
“As the ancient and powerful Stygian empire marches on the Exiled Lands, unite your clan with a custom emblem that you can put on shields and banners, then scour the land for treasure to display in your vault. Befitting the Age of War, the combined effect of improvements to stamina, enemies, and combat mechanics make for a vastly improved combat experience. Fighting for your life in Conan Exiles now feels more rewarding than ever.”
Funcom confirmed multiple features inbound during the next two updates, “including improved and expanded purges, recruitable mercenaries, upgraded enemy AI, and a PvE raid against the Stygian invaders, with even more to come.” There’s aslo a free-play week running right now on Steam and Epic through June 29th and on Xbox through June 25th.