One of the more fun things to do in a sandbox MMORPG (for a certain type of player) is to roam around the game world and find neat things. Enriching that kind of gameplay experience is what Past Fate decided to focus on in a patch last week, which brings better landscapes to see and new secrets to find.
The patch notes themselves are a bit thin on details (they wouldn’t really be secrets otherwise, now would they), but it does confirm that landscape improvements like more open areas in mountainous regions, updated foliage colors, and cliff placement updates have been made in order to bring the visual splendor, while more secrets like rare enemies with unique loot tables, secret quests, and more treasures have been introduced.
Other items in the patch include some optimization changes, new gatherables, some UI updates, and a few model improvements for items and enemies. There aren’t many clues in the patch notes, but then that makes sense.
As a refresher, Past Fate is a medieval fantasy sandbox MMORPG that prides itself on “player freedom” as the key element. The game raised $25,000 on Kickstarter in 2020 and has been in a state of closed early access since April, though it has been making multiple updates over the course of development and holding open alpha weekends, the most recent of which was held this past July.