It’s increasingly easy to pair up with people around the world in Final Fantasy XIV, but as it currently stands data center travel is limited to a single region. You can play with friends on any North American data center, but you can’t visit the house of a friend on the European servers… but that’s changing in Dawntrail, and ahead of that change the game will be opening up testing of cross-region data center travel on March 24th.
The test when it starts will be limited to travel to the Oceania data cetner, and while players from other centers can travel there and back, players on that specific center will not be able to go traveling. Still, it’s a good test ahead of Dawntrail’s launch as a potential way to both mitigate certain login queue issues and to just ensure that more people can adventure together across the world. When your expansion is all about a journey to faraway lands, it just makes sense, right?