CCP Games is continuing to push forward with Project Awakening, the blockchain side piece/spinoff of EVE Online, as the game is launching into its next test phase today, May 21st, at 10:00 a.m. EDT.
Details on what this test has to offer aren’t specifically outlined, meaning curious gamers have to rely on a VentureBeat interview with CEO Hilmar Petursson, who says that the test is set for 5,000 players over a six week run. The test will also feature a “hackathon” where players are invited to modify the game as testing occurs.
Content and gameplay details for the test still isn’t elaborated on, however, which should come as little surprise since the interview is aimed at venture capitalists and not gamers: Most of what’s said repeats word salad from an earlier press announcement, continues to espouse the benefits of blockchain and the game tying it to player-generated content, and confirms that it will initially reuse EVE assets until more bespoke items are designed and built. Regardless, this is happening.