EVE Online outlines plans to continue its nullsec focus and release Vanguard to Steam early access


EVE Online fans have gotten their first taste of what the rest of this year is looking like for their favorite gankbox, as CCP Games has issued a new director’s letter that talks about overall plans for the game’s recently launched Equinox update and its in-development Vanguard FPS module.

Overall the letter confirms the studio will keep its update focus purely on nullsec, building upon feedback and iterating on Equinox’s features like more functionality for sovereignty hubs and orbital skyhooks, expansion of corp tasks, improvements to the player-made ship skin database, and new daily and weekly tasks. CCP Games also has plans for additional features like the ability for corps to contract out tasks to outside players and the promise of more defined ship roles.

The letter then goes on to discuss Vanguard, with testing moving towards focused “themes” like additional depth to corruption and suppression, more deployment control, additional crafting, a better progression loop, and new planetary events like PvP flashpoints. This all leads up to a “major update” for Vanguard planned for November, followed by a Steam early access release sometime later. Until then, testing of Vanguard will continue to remain locked behind a subscription to EVE Online proper, but the shooter can be wishlisted on Steam now.

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