We’re on the eve of Throne and Liberty’s early access debut here in the west, and that means Amazon and NCsoft are taking their time in the spotlight to deliver the promised roadmap and set some post-launch expectations.
First, Amazon and NCsoft are very clear that T&L is an MMO and will be supported like an MMO, with regular updates and holiday events too, with “major releases roughly every 3–4 months that inject a meta-shift, new major systems, or other impactful experiences.” Refreshing in this day and age, eh?
The companies are also cognizant of the lag time between the Korean and global launches; they say they won’t be dumping all of the big Korean updates on us at once. That means a few changes along the way, like the fact that T2 gear will launch after the 2-star dungeons, and the rune and trait resonance systems won’t launch simultaneously. Other content, like the Halloween event, will launch for the first time in both regions simultaneously.
In October, Amazon will begin introducing content through the milestone system, faster than it rolled out to Korean players, in addition to the aforementioned Halloween event, two PvP modes, and new open world bosses. The devs are extremely serious about the schedule here. Can we get that in a Google calendar, guys?
November will see the introduction of the tax delivery event (yes), castle sieges, the first season of arena play, and (tentatively) 2-star co-op dungeons.
And finally, December will mark the arrival of the “first major update” for the game. No other info is given here.