It would be easy to assume that the server meshing technology being attempted by Star Citizen has just been spinning its wheels, but evidently there has indeed been some forward progress, which is outlined in a refreshingly informative dev post that discusses past server mesh tests and where CIG is trying to go from here.
The post discusses two server meshing tests that were performed, the problems that these tests discovered, and confirmation that some of these issues were addressed, as well as confirmation about some spot testing of a foundational piece of tech known as the replication message queue (RMQ) during alpha 3.24; the post further confirms that alpha 3.24.1 has proliferated RMQ tech across all existing server shards and that test results have been promising.
As for next steps, weekly tests in the games tech preview server are planned for server meshing specifically, with the promise of “a rapid iteration cycle to test […] corrections and optimizations” as the sandbox heads toward alpha 4.0 PTU. About the only thing missing from this report is any sort of time frame for testing and alpha 4.0, but this briefing is easily one of the better ones put forth by the studio.