World of Warcraft previews the features of its Undermined update as Winter Veil brings the Christmas spirit

Baby you can drive my car.

The time is almost here when World of Warcraft players will get to experience Goblin Nar Shadaa, aka the city of Undermine, in patch 11.1. That means it’s time for the devs of Blizzard to come together in a video and grant a preview of what’s coming in patch 11.1: Undermined.

In terms of features, Undermined brings on the DRIVE (Dynamic and Revolutionary Improvements to Vehicular Experiences) system, which includes car-specific progression that lets players clap on parts that improves speed and handling. Cars are a major part of Undermine, as they’ll be faster than other mounts and have unique experiences like four time trial races players can take on.

Other gameplay additions include the ability for players to ally themselves with one of the four Goblin cartels that grant unique missions and earnable rewards like transmogs, toys, and car customizations; two new delves as well as new variants to pre-existing TWW Goblin delves; a new Zekvir-style encounter; a new Cage of Carnage PvP arena and the Operation: Floodgate dungeon that arrive in Season 2; and the “very Goblin-y” Liberation of Undermine raid. The video summary of all that’s coming awaits below.

Meanwhile, the Winter Veil seasonal event has arrived to Retail, running from now until January 5th. This year’s festivities have new cosmetics and a unique limited-time tameable pet for Hunters alongside festively dressed bosses and returning Winter Veil rewards. The event is also ongoing for Classic and 20th anniversary realms until January 2nd. The holiday season is also being reflected in a new WoW comic that focuses on Alleria.

Speaking of those 20th anniversary realms, the second phase of content for those servers has a release date of Thursday, January 9th, adding an update to the honor system, the Dire Maul dungeon, and world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak. The following week will also see the opening of Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley.

sources: YouTube (1, 2), official site 1, 2)
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