Sci-fi MMORPG Vendetta Online released a whopping 44 updates last year


When you’re casting about for a space sim, don’t think that Star Citizen and EVE Online are the only games in town. Vendetta Online’s been star trekking along since 2004 and can be played on PC, Mac, Switch, VR, and mobile, and it’s got a bunch to say at the end of its second decade.

In the year wrap-up newsletter, Vendetta’s team noted that it put out 44 updates over the past year with TV support, VR improvements, capship enhancements, a streamlined new user experience, third-person improved camera mode for mobile, and “dozens” of additional missions.

Currently in the works for this free-to-play title are localizations into 19 languages and persistent events. The latter “are a new form of in-game mission that is slowly beginning to appear in the game. This is probably the most significant gameplay advancement in many years […] These events can spawn other events, allowing large and complex content to be spawned dynamically, and reactively based on player activity. This can be anything from a single rare NPC taking a few minutes, to a galaxy-wide invasion spanning months.”

Source: Newsletter
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