Warframe previews the Techrot Encore, the eighth Nightwave round, and TennoCon 2025


If you only take away one thing from this post about Warframe, let it be this: A whole heck of a lot of stuff is going down in the game in both February and March. While a lot of people might have expected the next big update to 1999 to be in February, it turns out that the big update dubbed Techrot Encore is going to be happening in March. That means new Technocyte Coda weapons earned from facing off against infected copies of On-Lyne, numerous quality-of-life changes like adding Arcanes to Exalted Weapons, four new Protoframes entering the story, and a new Warframe named Temple with an exalted guitar.

A lot of details about Temple are yet to be revealed, but they were consistently referred to as “they” on the stream (which either means an ambiguous gender or that they will join Xaku as the game’s second nonbinary frame), but there will be be more coming in the game’s next stream on February 28th. The Techrot Encore also includes new Scaldra-themed weapons and cosmetics, numerous new decorations, and improvements to the relationship system in 1999.

But if you’re a player looking for new stuff to do in February? Don’t worry, fam, they got you. February 6th brings back Operation: Belly of the Beast with a whole mess of new rewards and old favorites, along with the new Rhino Heirloom skin and the next Nightwave volume with more 90s-themed cosmetics (plus another shot at Nora’s lander craft). And the game’s next Prime, Lavos Prime, will drop on February 12th along with his signature Cedo Prime and Dual Zoren Prime.

Last but not least, you should prepare now for the game’s next TennoCon, which is arriving July 18th and 19th in London, Ontario, Canada. The tickets go on sale February 7th, and the team is planning for this celebration to be even bigger and better than before, so if that’s your jam, get ready for big reveals, big previews, big events, and even big concerts.

Source: Official Site (1, 2, 3)
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