World of Warcraft offers a short audio story ahead of Undermine(d)’s release

Great move.

So there’s a new video out ahead of the next World of Warcraft patch, except it isn’t actually a video. It’s what amounts to a very short audiobook telling the story of Renzik the Shiv’s origin long before he went to Stormwind and joined SI:7, back when he was still an enforcer for the Krackslagger Cartel. And now you can hear the whole thing read out in the course of just under an hour of total run time.

For those who prefer to just read the text, this is probably a bit of an inconvenience because instead you have to listen to it. For those of you who are fans of audiobooks, this is probably an unexpected treat. So kick back, get a mug of whatever beverage makes you the happiest, and enjoy the story in its complete form. It’s a good thing to listen to while cuddling a pet, for example! (If you don’t have a pet, that will be difficult. Or if you have pets that don’t cuddle. Please don’t try to cuddle a fish.)

Source: YouTube
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