Star Citizen elaborates on its new cadence and plot-based content release plans


Last week, Star Citizen talked about changes to its content cadence and a primary focus away from adding features and toward introducing content and improving stability. That plan is also the focus for the latest Inside Star Citizen video, only this time it provides a bit more specific detail on just what the content cadence is looking like.

First off, the video opens by indeed stating that updates will be happening every month, but then it also closes by saying updates will arrive “almost every month.” In terms of the content plan in general, CIG is comparing its content additions to an episodic TV show, with a different “A plot” and “B plot” spreading across multiple months to give players a choice in what they want to do. Right now the plan is to have the current A plot run through September, while the first B plot is planned for sometime in April.

Speaking of that A plot, that’s basically the ongoing Save Stanton series of missions that’s currently all about the Fight for Pyro. The next beats for the narrative promise to introduce more missions, additional narrative wrinkles for the three-faction fight that’s occurring right now, and a broader impact on the game’s universe depending on which faction players have aligned with. It’s further pointed out that faction choices are locked in – no takesies-backsies.

Overall CIG is making these plots time-limited and non-repeatable, mostly because the studio wants to have a running history within the game world, but it also points out that these narratives won’t be overtaking the wider story that will weave through SC 1.0. It’s another video digest that’s full of promise and vague launch windows that can be seen in full below.

source: YouTube
Longtime MMORPG gamers will know that Star Citizen was originally Kickstarted for over $2M back in 2012 with a planned launch for 2014. As of 2024, it still lingers in an incomplete but playable alpha, having raised almost $800M from gamers over years of continuing crowdfunding and sales of in-game ships and other assets. It is currently the highest-crowdfunded video game ever and has endured both indefatigable loyalty from advocates and immense skepticism from critics. A co-developed single-player title, Squadron 42, has also been repeatedly delayed.
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